The Premise

The era of man is over. Through their hubris and a little nudge from Mother Nature, the blight that was Humans, has now gone. However, their legacy of exploitation and corruption of the land lives on. Through her avatar, Flixi, an excitable fox, Mother Nature tasks you with restoring balance to the corrupted land.  

But how can you a small, humble mushroom colony, complete such as task? She is Mother Nature, she has tricks up her metaphorical sleeve, namely Magic. You are now in control of magic mushrooms in the true sense of the name.

Not Mushroom is a game about restoring the natural balance to nature. Use your magically infused mushrooms to cleanse the land, fight the corrupted creatures, and rescue woodland creatures from corrupted lands before they succumb to the corruption.

This game is in a prototyping phase and is in a pretty rough state. This is just for demonstration purposes.

How to play:

Click to select a mushroom to plant. Mushrooms can only be placed on Mycelium (white textured area).  Your goal is to destroy all of the ant spawners in the area. Protect your body at all costs, 5 attacks from an ant will kill you!

Mushroom Details:

Currently implemented abilities & mushrooms

Tree Harvester Harvests 1 Fibre from a tree per second
Corpse HarvesterHarvests 1 Nutrient from a corpse per second
Poison Dart Shoots a projectile at enemies that does 1 point of damage. Each shot requires 3 Nutrients from its internal storage that can store 30 Nutrients. Nutrients are transferred at 1 per second into the internal buffer. You can move this mushroom to another place by clicking on it and selecting its new position; use this to your advantage!
Mycelium Mushrooms can only be grown on top of Mycelium. Mycelium will grow in a radius, but can't extend over stone.

Concept art:

Current work in progress of the general art direction.

Zoomed out viewZoomed in view

Home node

Let us know what you think about this art! It is still in the concept stage with more details to be added.

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